Smart Courier – Courier and logistics management cms with merchant delivery app

Hassle free complete courier system, built for Logistics Supports

Powerful applications across all courier platforms will help you deliver a successful delivery service.


Dynamic theme color changeing option from admin panel

All contents will be show from admin panel. admin can manage frontend section , blogs, privacy policy, contact us, google maps link, social media link, service , parcel tracking and etc.

Google Maps

Address of Merchant, Deliveryman, Branch can be given by using google maps. This Google Map is used for the convenience of users.

Parcel delivery is very easy using google maps and parcel priority system are available.

Deliveryman can able to see

– Delivery man route wise showing her assigning parcel.

– Proof of delivery with electric signature and photo uploaded for customer end.

– Delivery man geo location activation with her mobile.

Merchant app key features

Awesome Dashboard

Merchant can view offers and package facilities. And total parcel , Total deliverd parcels, Total return and Total transit.

Merchant can more view Total Cash collection, selling price, Net profit, Delivery charge , COD Charge, Currenct payable and many more.

Parcel Manage

Merchant can view parcel list with parcel status. And Merchant can parcel create , edit and delete and clone and many more. And Merchant can view parcel logs and details like – Cash on Delivery , Delivery information, sender information , Recipient information.

Delivery charges

Merchant can view all category and weight wise Delivery charges . And Merchant can select four type delivery type :


Merchant can choose and change multiple language and see translated langauge. And Avalable some language like –

Merchant Profile

Merchant can view her profile with Opening balance, Vat and etc. and Merchant can change her profile like avatar email , phone number, password and many more .

Parcel logs

Merchant can view parcel logs. All available logs like – Pickup man assign, Pickup re-schedule, Received warehouse, Delivery man assign, Delivery re-schedule, Delivered , Partials Delivered, Return to courier, Return assign to merchant and Return recieved by merchant and etc.

Delivery app key features

Delivery man app login

Delivery man can login from delivery app login page. Delivery man can signin after signup. deliveryman can sign up from delivery app.

Dashboard parcel list

Deliveryman can see three type parcel list like- Pending ,Return , Delivered. And Deliveryman will see only assign her parcel.

Deliveryman assigned parcel details

Delivery man can view parcel details – Merchant details like shop details with pickup address.And Parcel info can view like tracking id , delivery type, current payable and etc.

Deliveryman profile

Deliveryman can view her profile. And can update. And Delivery man can view her profile like – Progress parcel, delivered parcel , and canceled parcel. And And delivery man can view her balance, Earning, total COD and etc.

Admin panel Dashboard

Smart Courier is highly responsive and best courier system. Smart Courier include total summery in admin dashboard like –

Merchant panel dashboard

The fastest courier application browsing and product delivery service experience. Smart Courier include total summery in merchant dashboard like –


There are many features are available Smart Courier management system. below important features.



Live Tracking Update

Parcel can live tracking system.



SMS Update

SMS will be sent to merchant.



Multiple branch manage

Multiple branches can be controlled.



Easily send parcels

Merchants can easily import and create parcels. Courier can also be created.



Push Notification

Push notifications can be sent to users.



Multiple language & RTL

You can easily change your preferred language



Deception control system

There are systems to control deception.



Online payment

Online payment gateways available PayPal, Skrill , stripe and etc.



Secure Handling

Site security is very good.



Payroll system is available

Monthly salary generation and salary payment can be controlled.



income/expense manage

Payments can be managed through the account module.



Reports can be seen

Monthly salary generation and salary payment can be controlled.

Web Application features

Multiple branch management system

A courier can have many branches and for that we have a branch management process. Courier payment procedure is also kept at each branch. And payment processing can also be done. Branches can be managed –

Parcels Manage

Managing parcels is very important in a courier application. Smart Corier has some important features to manage parcels. As shown below –

Online payout system from courier

Payments can be made online to specific merchants through the Payout module. And there are many payment gateways for payment.

The payment gateways are PayPal , Stripe , Skrill and etc.

After making the payment to the merchant, the list of all the payments that will be made will also be displayed.

Send push notifications

Push notifications can be sent to notify users, merchant and deliveryman . Notifications are for

Wallet Management System

– Merchant will be able to use the wallet and recharge in the wallet. Can send parcels to customers using wallet.

– Admin can recharge wallet by selecting merchant. And merchant’s recharge requests can be accepted or rejected.

Real time parcel tracking system

Merchants can track parcels in real time and view the location of the parcels. And the merchant can contact the delivery man if necessary. Below is the process of what merchants will see in parcel tracking:

Using SMS gateway

Assigning a parcel to a delivery man can send him an SMS that he has been assigned a parcel for delivery. And SMS can be sent to the merchant to inform him that his parcel has been allocated for delivery. Timings during which SMS can be send –

Ticket system

It takes a lot of time to contact the users to solve any problem. And for this reason, ticket system has been kept in our system. If the user has any problem, he will create a ticket according to his problem and others will reply to his created ticket.

Accounts manage system

To make payment to the merchant and deliveryman, the courier must have funds in his account. And there is an account module to manage the account. All the features available in the account module are –

Manage simply, Grow faster courier service. Bring your business online with Smart Courier.

Fastest platform with all courier service features. Help you start, run and grow your courier service.

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